01 April, 2012

Scrapbookers Anonymous...

Hello Ladies...

I am feeling much better.... Leaving all the bitterness behind ...and moving on.... !!!
It's really hard... but I bet time will heal and forget... I hope!!....

Scrapbookers Anonymous has always been very special for me... as it is my ever 1st DT job!!!... Being new in this hobby...I was so thrilled when Lea and Theresa picked me as part of the SA Designer Team ... I supposed all beginning has to end one day...
It's really hard...but we have to be positive...I am sure its for the best...
Yup... this April will be the last challenge over at Scrapbookers Anonymous....
The challenge is to use MAP & Brads.... Easy Peasy isn't it... Dig up your map pp ...map stamps...map stickers... even you can print out map from the PC and use... and stick up some Brads to go along!!!
So please join me and rest of SA team for our LAST Challenge... Once again...thank you so much for your support to US over @scrapbookers Anonymous...WE truly APPRECIATE!!!....

Here is my interpretation ~ Using MAP and BRADS[I used 16 brads{i think}]...
I used my stash from Pink Paislee, Brads from MME... and Stamps from Lawn Fawn...

Thank you so much ladies... all your love and sweet comments...it means the world to me...hugs...xoxo


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better...
    Love another pretty layout of yours... pretty pics and oodles of brads love it.... great border die on the bottom too...

  2. awesome layout...sorry that I've been behind on your gorgeous posts...doing catch up now.

  3. fabulous Lynnda. I haven't been over to visit lately, but it's not because I don't love to see your inspiration and projects.. =) THis layout is awesome. I used the same map paper as my base. Have a wonderful week ahead.

  4. Such a great layout, the orange is divine!

  5. Lovely bright LO. Love the brads and pennants

  6. Love love love love this Lynnda!! I loveeeee the colors and loveeeeeeee the banner with the brads!!! It has been AMAZING working with you on SA!

  7. I didn't know it was your 1st DT...you seem such an 'old hand'...I'm so sad to see SA go, too...aah well....LOVE this, specially that li'l ferris wheel ~ it's great...I'm gonna enjoy using my brads. Seem to have a truck load:):)

  8. Ahhhh. what a great page. I love that background.. So glad to hear you are feeling better..

    Hugs, Linda

  9. Love the colours here! And the fun banners!

    P/s: Glad you are feeling better now...focus on the positive and have an awesome week ahead!

  10. It's such a beautiful page and featuring you on it makes it even more special!! and you know how much I love it when you place a tag in your work! Perfect in every way ;-)


  11. awesome page and you are on the roll!

  12. Hey sis, glad ur feeling better. Yeah life has to move on right. I'm sure ur stronger with each dugaan. Love this page esp the banners and brads! Wow...16!!! Amazing! :)))

  13. This is beautiful! So fun and I love how appropriate the ferris wheel is to your journalling! Lovely photos of you too! Gorgeous! :D

  14. I am so sorry to hear the bad news about SA too.
    What a wonderful page, and you look GORGEOUS there!

  15. I am also sorry to hear your news, but upwards and onwards is what I say. You have to be one of the most friendly blogger friends that I have and always have such uplifting posts and layouts. I always enjoy coming over here and I like that your comments always come across sincere. So good luck and hopefully the change will bring something new and exciting. Oh and gorgeous layout, I love the colours that you combined here, lovely layout and great photos of you.

  16. Love what you did with the layered map borders along the bottom and that brad banner is so cool!!!

  17. So sorry about the challenge closing ... remember ... As one door closes ... another always opens ... and there's no such thing as being too nice ... you be proud my friend!!

  18. I`m pretty bummed about SA, they are my favorite challenge site, sniff! Love this layout, though, banner and ferris wheel are sooooo cute! Big hugs, Roxy.

  19. Love this fab layout!. I love the background colours and all the flaggies and all the other cute elements. :)

  20. Beautiful layout Lynnda! LOVE the sentiment and photos too and the big wheel with the brads is truly inspired :) So sad about SA :(


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I cherish each and every one of them!!
