02 September, 2011

Winner... and ARTastic September challenge....

Happy Friday ladies..... 
As promised... I'm please to announce the WINNER... for my VOTING post over @ LESSOLOGY...
Thank you so much ladies... for all your votes and supports.... 
Using Random Org the lucky winner is number 12
woohoo...which goes... to Angi... CONGRATS Angi.... 
Angi ... Please contact me at lybeau@hotmail.com..

Okay now ... I'm sharing a layout... for September Challenge over at ARTastic Challenge blog....
And September's inspiration came from this painting...

Diva Demand for an extra 6 bonus points try and
work the following into your layout.
1. Blue Background = 1 pt
2. White flowers = 2 pts
3. Brown or White title = 3 pts

So Com' along and play with US and you have about a month ...YAY... To see more HOP on HERE....

And here is my layout...most items used are from Aug Nook kit

Thank you so much ladies for all your love and sweet comments!! It really means the world to ME!


  1. Hello! :D

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! I can't see your layout yet - maybe I've jumped the gun LOL. I'll see it next time though! :D

  2. another wonderful LO. That photo is adorable.. Hope you are having a Happy Day!!!

    Hugs, Linda

  3. Oh, love the title! This is so fun! Great picture and what you did to that tag is fantastic!!!

  4. CONGRATS Angi!!! I loveeeee that lo!! LOVING the cloud background, the kites and the colors! BEAUTIFUL! :):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Love this Lynnda - I have the same paper and want to make a layout with it. I love the strong colours you used and your photo!!

  6. What a fun page Lynnda - love those kites - you've done well with this challenge!!

  7. Fabulous!!! ... you are so good at making pages ... I'm running out of things to say!

  8. So FUN and FABULOUS! LOVE those kites!!!

  9. Congrats to Angi, and that is such a fun layout with fun details and element!

  10. Hey

    I want to thank you for the sweet comment on my blog! I think I also going to join the september challenge..

    Bye bye

  11. Such a cute pic of you and the boy:) boooo that you aren't feelin' well...get better soon!!

  12. A ha! I can see your lovely layout now! Love those kites - I need to do a layout with kites! Great inspiration - tfs!!! :D :D :D

  13. Congrats Angi!

    And I love your gorgeous page using the August kit too!

  14. This page is surely SO fun to look at Lynnda!! You are so good at creating fun and bright pages :))) I especially love the borders, beautiful!! Thank you so much for your lovely comment just now, aiihhh I miss you lots!! I had the best raya so far :))) Hope you too!! Enjoy raya and lets eat a lot lol!

    Take care and best wishes,

  15. Oh this is just the cutest! I love the kites...such a fun lo!

  16. Love the L.O Lynnda!
    The two of you are so so sweet <3

  17. Hi again, thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog yesterday!!! :D

    Hugs! :D

  18. Oh wow...thank you Lyndda. I just emailed you my info. My apologies for the delay. It's been so hectic that I'm just now seeing that I won. Love your adorable layout. Hugs. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I cherish each and every one of them!!
