11 March, 2011

Bargain Hunting....

THANK YOU SO MUCH LADIES FOR ALL THE BIRTHDAY WISHES....don't forget my BLOGiveaways is still up...and running...
Okay...here is a very short and quick entry... It's time for another challlenge over at Twisted Sketches #91..This week twist is Chipboard....
Com'on play along with US... great and fun sketch and be inspired by other Twisted Sisters.... here is my interpretation.... 
Items used are from Feb Scrapbook Nook kit
Others: Fluorishwithabling Swirl, AC Thickers Foam Black Alpha, Maya Road Chipboard. Making Memories Scrapbook Paint in Black, Kirsty Bingo Card
I named this layout...DARKSIDE of me...hehehehe..not my usual...colors...and seriously I failed!!!...

Don't forget I have not ONE but 3 BLOGiveaways qualify...easy..leave a comment and be a FOLLOWER ...anyway...check-it-out HERE....

And don't forget to join the fun with US over at Scrapbookers Anonymous...easy peazy...March challenge is to use at least 7 flowers on your layout, the premade kind, not homemade.... the idea is to dig into your STASH and use the flowers you've been meaning to use but for some reason have not.. think outside the box... and of course the more the BETTER.......hugs...

Thank you ladies for all your love and sweet comments!! It really means the world to ME!
Sending lots of love and hugs to you all!!...Big Hugs...xoxo


  1. ooohhh...I love it! Happy friday!

  2. gorgeous pic of yours, lovely layout with a chipboard. Seriously you pass not failed la...

  3. I love this layout my girl, the flourish on the bottom is stunning, I love grabbing a bargain too. Melxx

  4. I soooo love this layout! I think you did a great job with your darkside! it's what drew me to this page! I have a mega darkside! lol I love everything about this layout!

  5. I don't know what to say I'm speechless, it is more than beautiful!

  6. Fab LO, I'm loving the shaped paper and the chandlier is gorgeous. Have a good weekend.xxxx

  7. Love the LO and the fabulous DP ... even your dark side is pretty

  8. Beautiful, love how you used the kit!! :)

  9. I think this is beautiful, even though it is not the usual color you would used, but it is definitely GREAT!

  10. I love this one, love the shaped paper and the chandelier, the peacock, pretty much everything!

  11. super cute layout of you. I love to bargain hunt too. I did some of that today buying some scrappy stuff. =)


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I cherish each and every one of them!!
