06 August, 2012

LESSology Challenge #17 - Fun with Envelopes...

Hello Everyone... It's Monday....

And it's time for another fun challenge over @LESSology
Challenge #17: Fun with envelopes! is up ....hmmm... I supposed this put a smile....envelope...easy eh.... Practically we received some sort of envelopes everyday...Don't throw them... it's time to upcycle them... and join in the fun with us....You don't need to create an altered art... you can create anything you like... layouts...cards...mixed media...canvases... just about everything...the choice is yours... the sky is the limit... So hop on to LESSology... :)

This month sponsor for LESSology is Gauche Alchemy , a fabulous vintage ephemera kit club. Gauche Alchemy  has given LESSology followers an AWESOME coupon code to use during the month of August -- LESSology readers for 10% off, good from 8/6 thru 8/31.  (Good on everything but the ACME kit subscription.) Use the code: lessology2012 when you check out....

Okay here is my sneak....
Thank you so much ladies... for all your love and sweet comments...
It means the world to me...hugs...xoxo


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I cherish each and every one of them!!
