07 May, 2012

LESSology Challenge #14: Birds of a feather

This is my 2 post for today.... :)

Woohoo...I'm so excited...As the current challenge over @LESSology has just started...And the challenge is: Birds of a feather flock together... This time WE would like to see your projects featuring a bird OR a birdcage OR both. easy peazy isn't it...Please remember to include at least one upcycled item on your projects...So come on and join in the FUN with US...over @LESSology... You have until Sunday June 3, 11.59pm EST... Please read our challenge rules to ensure eligibility for our prizes..

This month we have Artful Delight has our Sponsor - and they are offering a $40.00 gift certificate to use towards one of their monthly kits.

Artful Delight offer the latest and greatest paper crafting products packed together in one monthly kit.  The monthly kits are packed with a variety of pattern papers with coordinating cardstock and embellishments.  You may have your choice of a single monthly purchase or for a discount you can sign up for a 3 or 6 month subscription. 

Artful Delight are also in the process of expanding our store to offer other fabulous products.  Currently we have a selection of Paper Smooches stamp sets and adhesive and we will be adding some Mister Huey's mists very  soon.

 And here is my sneak...
Thank you so much ladies... for all your love and sweet comments...
It means the world to me...hugs...xoxo


  1. Ooooh love the look of that colourful sneak!! I love birdcages! Will go over and check them out!!!

  2. There you go again teasing us.. I cant wait to see your creation..


  3. awesome so awesome .... the color pops and all your details are perfect xxooxo thanks for all your beautiful words you leave me on my blog xoxox

  4. ooohhh...such a fun sneakie peek:)

  5. The sneak looks wonderful...can't wait to see the full reveal!

  6. Can't wait to see your lovely project!


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I cherish each and every one of them!!
