01 December, 2011

All I want for Christmas is joy n happiness...

Sob Sob Sob... I sprained my lower back... it is severely painful... I'm not kidding....even laughing is painful!!!.... so can you imagine... *even posting this hurts!...* Ouch!!!... I took 2 painkillers... hopefully it will subside... *oh please get better!*

Alrighty... besides the pain... am sharing one good news... I was picked for Spotlight Artists over at CCCB challenge week 84 ....woohoo.. Thanks ladies...

It's begining of December...so it's time for another challenge over at Scrapbookers Anonymous... and December challenge is to use Tags and Glitter with a holiday themed creation...Easy peazy eh... you have until end of December to play along... its all about using our stash ..so we can make room for new ones...[ooops!]

So come along and play with US... hop on over to Scrapbookers Anonymous....

For the 1st time... and finally I managed to use my Martha Stewart Lilac Glitter..!!!
All items used are from my last year chrissy stash!!..Woohoo...feels really good!...

**The Christmas tree... was inspired by Teacher Jessy Blog Tute... Thank you Jessy.. **

Thank you so much ladies for all your love and sweet comments...
It really means the WORLD to me...! Hugs...xoxo


  1. ooooohhhhh noooooooooo....you poor girl!!!!! rest rest rest!!!!!!!

    Your card and tag are magnificent girlie......love that tree..wowza.

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh no!!!!!! You poor thing!! Please feel better!!! :):):)

    I loveeeeeeeeeeeee your card and that tag!!! That TREE is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! WOW WOW WOW WOW!!! I loveeeeeeeeee it! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Oh no, so sorry to hear about that, Lynnda!! Hope you will get well soon :( But despite your pain, you did so well with creating the card and the tag! I love how you made the Christmas tree, nice!! You have a good rest and do take care, ya!!

  4. Well done on your spotlight! Love this card ... super duper tree!!
    I hope your bak gets better ... I've been seeing a chiropractor for a while and that made all the difference ... maybe you need to try it?
    Sending a (gentle) hug

  5. Ohhhhhh Lynnda I am sooooooo sorry about your back...it just sounds so painful! Your card is magnificent! LOOOOVE that tree! Take care! A very soft hug to you!

  6. Gorgeous, I love the folded Xmas tree, I hope your back gets better soon.xxxx

  7. Oohhhh sorry to hear that sis. Hope u'll feel better in the morning if not pls get urself check yeah. You rock all the Christmas Cards! Not just with this one but all of em actually! Love it to bits!!! :))))

  8. Love your Chrissy tree & great tag!! Hope I have time for some Christmas creating - congrats on your spot at CCCB!!

  9. Ooops & so sorry about your back! Hope that gets better real quick!!

  10. Oh no. I hope you are feeling better soon. there is nothing worse than a sore back.
    I really love what you did for this month's challenge. It's fabulous. great tag and such fun colors.. and yes, stash usage makes you feel good.. =) Get better soon..........

  11. Oh poor you! :( This is stunning and that tree looks amazing!

  12. Sorry to hear that you hurt your back, do take care! Hugs......
    Lovely work, I love that fabulous christmas tree and the DP you used.

  13. That really can hurt, take care!
    You did an amazing project on here, I love what you create it is beautiful!

  14. Beautiful card n tags...

    ouch... are u ok? hope u'll feel better soon... tk care xoxo

  15. Oh you poor thing. I do hope your back feels better soon.. Thank goodness for pain pills..

    Such lovely work here my friend. You are so talented..

    Hugs, Linda

  16. Beautiful, funny enough I purchased this punch a few weeks ago and having been giving it a good work out,love how you used it.

  17. What a fun project! Love what you created!:)

    Hope the pain has subsided...you might want to try acupuncture. Please rest up though.

  18. I know how back pain feels like. Hope you are better now. Another awesome tree by you!! Amazing card :)


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