25 November, 2011

Woohooo.... TGIF

Woohoo It's Friday....How did your Thanksgiving go??? I bet plenty of FUN and great food eh...

 Have a great weekend ladies.... Big YAY for those who are having a long weekend brekkie.....well unfortunately I'm NOT :( ... but I'm planning to go shopping tomorrow with DH and DS... !!!

Don't forget to join me and the rest over at :
2. ARTastic [and if its your 1st time... please do mention me... as I'd receive some bonus points.. :)]
for November Challenges...

Thank you so much ladies for all your love and sweet comments...
It really means the WORLD to me...! Hugs...xoxo


  1. So beautiful! I loveeeeeeeeeee the colors and the squares! Have a great weekend my friend! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. FABulous card...love the gingham ribbon!

  3. What a fabulous, fun Xmas card. Have a great weekend.xxx

  4. Nice card!
    I wount join at challenge becouse I am not happy, and don't have material and oportunity to make cards like this. But, I make them on my way:)

  5. Very sweet holiday card!
    I am so glad I "found" you too, what an odd that we are both from Singapore and met in blogland!

  6. Such a great card my friend.. Hope you have fun shopping this weekend..

    Hugs, Linda

  7. Love this modern card Lynnda!! Hope the shopping spree was a great success!!!

  8. This is so colourful and gorgeous! ... very unique my friend

  9. Ehhh I love this beautiful card, I love all the little squares, cuteness!! Hope you came back happily after shopping ;) Here's wishing you a wonderful week ahead! :)))

  10. This is such a great card !!!!I loved the squares look fantastic!!
    I wish a wonderful week.
    Kisses and huges

  11. What a happy happy card! :) Love the colours! :)

  12. A BEAUTIFUL CARD!!! love the grid pattern ..... great idea and a stunner of a card .. hugz x

  13. Love the green gingham ribbon! Fun little Christmas card!

  14. I like your card with the great article details.....Your using of the squires in a card give a pretty look but i think you want to use the red ribbon with this green ribbon too!!!!
    plastic gift card
    discount card printing


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I cherish each and every one of them!!
