14 July, 2011

Dream Big...

Hello Ladies... I have been busy mostly with Matin ... I worked most days at home since last week... this morning I literally dragged myself to work !!..And I kept thinking of him... Deja vu...it feels like when he was 3 months old when I had to leave him for work...Honestly I do feel guilty sometimes... for being a working MOM... sigh!!!...

Enough of the heavy.... !!!I'm sharing a websters pages layout... from my previous myscrapbookNook kit... (I was hoping to finish ..but it seems impossible!!) I think Hollywood Vogue range is the hardest!!!

Don't forget to join in the fun with me over at July ARTastic Challenge..**Please ladies... if its your 1st time playing along...please do mention ME...hugs...hugs**

...And Of course please don’t forget to join me as well...over at Scrapbookers Anonymous July Challenge…LAST but not least...I really hope you ladies...could play along with ME with the minimal challenge over at Yvonne's...I have 2 yummy prizes to offer!!! ...Don't shy.... COM'on.....LOL...

Thank you so much ladies for all your love and sweet comments!!


  1. Oh Lynnda this is beautiful! I have this kit, thanks for the inspiration! I work from home too, and it is hardest than it seems!

  2. HUGS to you!! Sometimes even at its best life can be difficult. Your lo is absolutely GORGEOUS!

  3. Beautiful. Luks so artistic, I luv it dear.

  4. Totally awesome, I am a big fan of WP too, what a lovely page!

  5. Lynnda, this is beautiful! I love what you did with those silhouettes! I feel the working mom guilt too... :(

  6. Thanks for your sweet comment Lynnda. Totally makes my day. You have created a Gorgeous piece of art.

  7. Hey sis. I think u nailed the WP lah..it looks great anyway u use it. No, dont feel guilty, matin will understand it somehow. Does'nt mean u love him less too..cheer up yeah..:)))

  8. Hi Lynnda, haven't been visiting your blog lately. I hope you are doing good and I can see a lot works and effort have been put into layouts :D. Love your take with the WP and really love those circles background that you self created. So fun and cool! I see you around and till then stay happy and take care!


  9. Lindo seus trabalhos!!!!!!!

  10. I to had to take my daughter to daycare when she was little.. It is so hard.. I feel your pain. But she still turned out wonderful. And I am sure your little guy will also.. Your LO here is Gorgeous.. So beautiful..

    Hugs, Linda

  11. I feel for you about Matin, but we do what we have to do. Glad you got to spend so much time with him.

    The LO is gorgeous! Pretty colors and I love those lady's profiles. Cool use of the date stamp, too! *hugs*

  12. I wonder if we feel this because they are our only child. Because I feel the very same way, now I think because I work I spend so much more time with him that I even feel guilty sitting down to scrap...I hear you dear friend, I love love this layout, how you fussy cut around the bottom is gorgeous and I love that rub-on....Melxx

  13. Love love love love this!! WOW WOW WOW WOW!! I loveeeeee that design!! Ohhhhhhhh and when is your challenge due over at Yvonne's?? I am going play on Sat. night at a friend's and wasn't sure if I had time by then or not?? Let me know if you can! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  14. I think it is perfectly natural to feel guilty. I feel it too, even though I only work 3 days I feel like my kids don't have a mum for 3 days. Especially my youngest, Asher, he is not even 2 yet and I feel like I'm abandoning him :( Everyone tells me this is just natural to feel this way. Onto your layout....it is so beautiful, you have used the Websters perfectly!

  15. this is beautiful...really beautiful!

  16. I think you did a fabulous job! Awesome work with the Webster's gal! :)

    P/s: Loving the entries for your challenge so far!!! :)

  17. Beautiful LO,Lynnda. It looks very elegant. Have a good weekend.xxx

  18. beautiful layout!! Just gorgeous :0)

  19. Beautiful page!! So lovely so sweet!! I think the photo goes well with all the patterns. Great job. Must see this at Inspire Me I guess? Gosh, I miss an awful lot of things there :) xoxo.


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