28 June, 2011

Be inspired & Create...

I'm supposed to REST... bad migraine!!! but I'm being naughty...sneakily I created this simple canvas... which was inspired by TAAFOMFT... challenge - These are a Few of My Favorite Pieces of Art!...

Its so random and quick... took me less than an hour... I need a place to put this up....hmmmm
And ... tadaaaaaa

All items used are from Kaisercraft and alpha is from AC remarks

Still have time to play along...
...And Of course please don’t forget to join me over at Scrapbookers Anonymous June Challenge as well… POP over HERE
Thank you so much ladies for all your love and sweet comments!! It really means the world to ME!


  1. I love love love love this Lynnda!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the colors and those flowers!! Thanks girl for playing along with FAVE THINGS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. awesome canvas...you poor dear and your migraines...rest up sista.

  3. Beautiful! Great mix of pp and love the flowers!!!

  4. Hope you feeling better, poor gal!
    Beautiful work there! It is always nice to try something new!

  5. Great take on the challenge :) Where would we be if we didn´t like our own artwork!! Thank you for playing with us at fave things!

  6. Hey sis, the canvas is looking fab!!! Love the mixture of colours. You should take a rest yeah..dont work too hard!...Take care *hugs*..:))))

  7. This is fabulous. I had a migraine this morning and had to go back to bed. It felt like my eyeballs were going to pop out. Yuck! :)

  8. Absolutely fabulous!!! What a gorgeous piece of art. Thanks for playing along with These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things!!!

  9. I used to always get migraines.. They are no fun.. I don't get them much any more.. I guess that cause I'm getting to old.. Hee Hee..
    Your canvas looks amazing my friend.

    Hugs, Linda

  10. Ooh...you poor thing...rest well!

    This is awesome! Such a pretty pice of art!!!:)

  11. I love this dear girl, wow in less than an hour, wow, we so need to spend some scrapping time together, you are brilliant, I bet this looks sensational on your wall, so bright and it just pops. I have a new computer and work has been busy but I just had to blog again, I have so missed seeing your gorgeous creations, I so need the motivation, but I got your stunning present to me today, thank you so much, you are very naughty, but I just love this range, I so hope your migraine goes away they are just the worst thing, I have to tell you that Nate has just popped in Transformers and it will be the 4th time this week I have watched it with him, I love it and hope to take him to the movies to see the new one soon. Love to you and your gorgeous boy, Nate says he is his bestest friend. Melxx

  12. Wow! It just amazes me to see what you create...and look at this neat creation, and out of so little!

  13. absolutely a beautiful canvas done by you...sister...you take care!



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