30 December, 2010

100% Pure

I stumble upon this challenge thru Sabrina's blog...
Since day one I started to scrap...I've always been a Prima Gal... Prima has the most gorgeous flowers .... I have tons... but still buying...and the worst part I hoard them!!!....
So I decided to play along .... for Build-A-Page December Challenge....
Do you gals get tired of seeing the same old same old same old picture of ME.... LOL.... please don't...I promise once I've settled down at my new house... I will start again my photo-taking hobby... Bear with me!!! :)...please...

Most items used are from Prima Marketing...
Papers: #840877 & 841799
Others: Prima laces, MS Blue Pigment inkpad, Prima Stamps # 541880, Doillies, Prima Marketing Alpha Stickers, ZVA jewels, #532710, #538651, #542627, #532840, #539795 & #543815


  1. Hahaha Lynnda!! You are funny. I think I scrap about myself more than you!! Don't worry, we'll not get bored of seeing that pic of you! lol.

    This page is so lovely, love the title so much, so perfect for the photo ;) Yes yes 100% pure I know ;p I love how you placed the photo, and how you placed the petite green roses. Chewah, mmg steady la page ni with your photo! Babe, you are so interesting!! Must meet up with you! Grrr.

  2. Awesome!!! I love prima too!! Dont we all? hehehe. No getting bored here..perfectly ok n fine with the same old same old..hehehe..:))

  3. Gorgeous LO and photo !!! I also love Prima so this page right up my street,must have a go at that sketch.

    Deb xxxx

  4. Very nice layout thanks for sharing!!!

  5. Beautiful... just like you.. full of blooms :)

    Prima are the best flowers, arent they :D

  6. oo..wow..you did good. 100% I like it! not bored at all, all the photos gorgeous! Have fun in your new house and I hope you will have a smooth moving! Happy New Year! Sis'
    Hugs, Yuzz

  7. This is GORGEOUS!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee all the Prima!! WOW!! And loving the new blog header too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  8. Love the flowers Lynnda!! sweet layout :)

  9. no worries... we really dont mind... :)
    lovely piece...

  10. this is a beautiful picture of you and a wonderful lay out!

  11. This is such a beautiful layout Lynnda, I love the flowers, I am a big fan of Prima too, great photo of YOU!

  12. such a fun and SASSY layout girlie!!!


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I cherish each and every one of them!!
