25 November, 2010


HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL MY BLOG MATES IN THE United States...Have a good one...xoxo..

Today.... nothing is about me...it's all about HIM.... Yes...you heard me right....He's the MAN.... He insisted that I'd post these 3 layouts he did over the weekends...on my blog...before he was saying to me "Mommy...I want MY OWN Blog".... Com'on....I said well show me you can behave for the next 2 weeks... and I'll consider your case!!!...

Matin is only 6...YES 6... what can I do...?? No...Nothing ...time as change eh....

NO HELP at all... he helps himself...yup all my scrappy goodies... Mommy has a big heart...and big pocket hole too...LOL.... Let's not go there...not now....LOL...

Honestly...I am indeed proud of him!!!...He has lotsa momma good traits eh(LOL)....Another thing he amazes me.. is he reads like a GRADE 2 or more that was what his teacher told US... even he can spells words...just by pronouncing it.... Well done SON... I'm so glad...I'm blessed... but wait.... his other side...stubborn..cheeky...demanding... the list can go on.... oh well hes my boy!!!

Nothing fantastic or over the top...but still am so proud of him.... :)

I want to thank my bestie blog mate.... Yvonne...for giving me with this award... Thanks mate!!! Appreciate... xoxo

I'm supposed to list 3 things that make me different.
1. I have an attention span of a flea!!!
2. Every morning before I even start checking my email....I go straight to my blog!!!(I need a life!)
3. I see the mirror and find the slightest flaws and WHINGE!!!(I can't be serious????)


  1. Your boy IS a super star:) Well, so is his momma too:)

  2. hehehehehe...peeps are always telling me to start one for Brookie...I'm like...UGH...I can't...I all ready monitor NINE blogs now... don't think I can add another!!! LOL!!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee his lo's!! They are AWESOME!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Oohhh wow..matin is a major artist in d making!!..way to go!! :))

  4. Oh my, you sure have a little artist at home, he is so cute!
    Thanks for your Thanksgiving wishes, I wish you a fun-filled weekend too!

  5. wowee.. love the layouts... so fun, bright and super starry... gorgeous work dear :)

  6. Oh great job Matin!!!!:)

    Fab job on the upbringing my friend! :)

    I had fun reading your list....attention span of a flea? LOL! :)

  7. Super cool LO's,I can't believe he's only 6 and doing LO's like this,very talented little boy.

  8. Great layouts! Love the white space. If you have room for another one, I just gave you a blog award, please check it out on my blog! Feel free to pass it on, or not, as your time and schedule permit.


  9. Your blog makes me laugh, I so enjoy coming here, wow, Matin wanting his own blog, how bout that, he is seriously an awesome scrapper and the WRMK paper I have just bought and it all matches perfectly. please tell him Nate and I loved what he did, also I had to laugh in the 3 things about you, NO. 1 & 2 is the same as me,,,,,only difference is I have a coffee whilst checking them.

    Also my girl, on my blog what did you mean re: TDF, sorry if I don't understand short text. Love to you, Melxx

  10. That little boy sure takes after his Mommy! fabulous LO's

  11. oh wow, cool LOs matin! way to go! :)


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