02 September, 2010

Last one

This is the last card Raya I've to make... theres a story attached to this...

These 2 PP are totally not my favourite... and I've been cracking my head to get "rid" of it... Hang on a tick... the worst is it's 6x6...so best shot is a card... Don't you agree????

Personally this card is so uncoordinated...
Papers: AC Cardstock Smoke & Basic Grey
Others: Image taken from google, Prima Marketing lace, Pink seam bind & Basic Grey Button


  1. YOU rocked those papers!!! LOVE it!!! LOVING that FLOWER TOO! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. I think it looks quite pretty my friend! Love the pink flower and the trim!:)

  3. Hi! Thanks for the raya card and those flowers are awesome. I love all of them. I am sending you my handmade raya card as well but mine not as grand as yours. However, the best things is I made it using my slice machine totally. Hope you like it. Hugs, Yuzz

  4. Lovely Raya card Lynnda, I am happy that you can make something nice out of the things you want to get rid off, LOL! Good move!
    And Congrats for another win!!!! YAY!!!

  5. I think you can do wonders putting these 2 papers together, I do that, just love papers when I first buy them but the novelty seems to wear off after a while. The lace trim and the beautiful flower you made and added is great. I really like this card, Melxx

  6. I think it looks nice!! that strip of lace is really pretty tooo!! ;)

  7. Cantek lah card u. Ur getting good with cards! unlike me..hahaha..very2 kelam kabut when it comes to card! lol..:)


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