31 July, 2010

Creative Scrappers #114 ~ Beautiful Day

Yay...finally I managed to finish all the Creative Scrappers challenge from 111 to 114

It's 1.11am on 31 july...in Melbourne...and I'm still here typing my challenge !!!!...Out of control....thats what mr hubby quote ME!!! GAH!!!

I love this picture.... and I love the way I color my eyes that day!!!....I did the smoky eyes!!!
This picture was taken during fall this year and it's in GEELONG.... love that place especially in SUMMER...

Papers: My Girls Paperie, Fancypants design, Sassafras, cosmo cricket
Others: Kaisercrafts pink pearls, self-made yoyo flower ribbon polka(Kikki), Adornit Carolee Creations Tiny Alpha Stickers, Basic Grey Buttons, Blue Ribbon, Doodlebug design Loppy lou Alpha Stickers & MS Loop Edger Punch


  1. What a fun page, the elephant is so cute!

  2. This is pretty Lynnda, I love those vintage images, epseically the "25 cents"!
    Are we all a bunch of "out of control" scapper/blogger?

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love love love this!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee the mix of papers and loving the cuteeeeeeeee elephant! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I cherish each and every one of them!!
