27 July, 2010

Blogger Buddies Award

Thank you so much Iza.... Totally appreciate it.... xx

Iza is another artyscrappy person.... her creation is as fabulous as most... go ahead and look see look see her blog... you'd have agreed too...

And now I am going to pass over this Award to three talented ladies (hard to choose only three)...they are amazing just like the rest of my blogger mates but I had to choose ONLY 3!!! but I want to give to all my blogger mates...
1. Mel
2. Amy


  1. m glad u like the award!!!it make my day.have fun scrapping k...hugs!!!

  2. awwwww....aren't you a sweetie pie?!!!!!!! Thanks girlie!!!!! rightbackatcha:)

  3. Oh, Thank you... You are to sweet!
    This has made my whole day.. I know you can't see it but I have a real big smile on my face..
    Thanks again my sweet friend!

  4. Awwwwwwwwwwwww so sweet~! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I cherish each and every one of them!!
