25 June, 2010

LCOM Sketch#40 ~ Dreamer

I managed to use one brand paper....he he

I'm a pisces and of course I love to dream....  :P
Here is my take for LCOM Sketch#40
Paper: American Crafts cardstock light blue
Others: Ribbons, Kaisercraft adhesive pink border, October After tiny Alpha sticker, The Girls Paperie Diecuts, Jenni mask sticker, Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist ~ Cosmos, Patina & Tigerlily, KIMemories Epoxy Alpha Sticker, Flowers Spotlight and self made into bouquet


  1. Lovely layout Lynnda! You certainly do a lot of 12x12 scrapbook pages, do you have problem storing them? I used to do that when my kids were young, but storing the huge 12x12 album is a headache for me.

  2. Hi!!!
    i adore the colours of e mists you used...definitely refreshing...and the small bouquet at e top is so unique!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. *hearts*

  3. bunga kecik & the jam kecik tu comel. i like this layout. keep it up

  4. Love the misting! And the cheery colours! :)

    P/s: I'm a dreamer too!


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