04 June, 2010

Blog Award !!!

My First Blog Award ~ Creative Writer Blogger Award

I received my very first Blog Award from a very sweet blog friend Kirsty today, what an honor!
Thanks Kirsty, for passing this award to me! It makes my day!

Here's the price to pay for receiving this award, LOL!!!!!! (just kidding!)

Since I am a "creative writer", this little bit of writing is just easy peasy for me! (LOL! I am kidding again!)
Be serious!!!! Here you go!
1. Express gratitude to the blogger that bestowed the award unto you........
Dear Kirsty, thank you so much for remembering me especially I'm totally new in this creative arts, card and suchs...he he...and again thank you so much for being a followers in my blog too...

2. Display this picture proudly on your blog....

3. Be nice and provide a link to the person who gave it to you....
Sweet Kirsty's blog can be found HERE!

4. Tell 6 outrageous lies about yourself and one truth, or switch it about and tell 6 truths and one lie........ you will have to decide for yourselves what you believe....

5. Nominate 7 creative writers who might be into doing this ...(Indeed kirsty!!! tough one!)

6. Post links to the 7 you nominate and let them know......
Alright! Here are my lies/truths.........
1. I love to read.
2. I love fashion.
3. I exercise 7 times a week.
4. I hate shopping.
5. I love Robert Pattinson.
6. I love chanel.

Make a guess, truth? lie?
Don't ask me to explain the 6 truths/ 1 lies or 6 lies/1 truth thingy, I am just following instruction here...

And now, I am passing this award to 7 of my blog friends, (in no particular order) please don't get mad at me, and please continue to stop by my blog and leave sweet comment, that's the strength to keep me going on....
1. Mazlina
2. Amelia khalik
3. Naddy
4. Teacher Jessy
5. Yvonne Yam
6. Nostalgic Scrappers
7. Watie

Have fun playing and passing the award along........
P/S: I've been totally busy past few weeks with work... and I still have nightmares!!!...That's another reason why its quiet here.... xx... I missed all the challenges!!!.. not good at all


  1. Oohhh thanks for the award dear!

  2. What a fun award! Thanks for thinking of me! :)

  3. That is a cool award, thanks for it! Will try to do it :)

  4. Thanks Sis for d award. InsyAllah one day i buat yea..:)


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I cherish each and every one of them!!
