18 May, 2010

Skinny Dip

I love these pictures because its RARE... Skinny Dip in Singapore ... Marina Barrage... I told him you can only do this in Singapore... alright... not back home... HAH!... He was having so much FUN...

This time... I used all my stash left-over papers and that's it.... Stick around ...not a good one... but definitely FUN to use your stash....It does my head in... looking at those stash... mind you I still have loads of them... "sigh"!

Papers: American Craft(white), mylittleshoebox, cosmo cricket, American Crafts(Robot) & Sassafras
Others: Tattered Angels Patina Glimmer Mist & Basic Grey Alpha


  1. Oh.... Those little houses at the bottom is sooooo cute! Great layout!

  2. So fun! Where did he skinny dip? ;)

  3. Yvonne.. We went Marina Barrage.....xx


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