06 May, 2010

Circle of 3

BFF... Haz and Min... We met through the internet on 2005...we get along very well up to this day... hopefully this friendship will last forever... love them both!!!...xoxo

Papers: mylittleshoebox, cloud9design, crate paper, collage
Others: Littleyellowbicycle tablet GF journal tag, Prima Flowers, Prima Marketing Jewels , Basic Grey Alpha Stickers, self made flowers, button and Kaisercrafts black blings


  1. How lovely to meet the friends you make online and be bffs irl!

    What a sweet photo! I love your paper flower! :)

  2. sweet LO lynnda, and yes love the handmade flower too :)


Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment... I cherish each and every one of them!!
