28 March, 2010

My Ever first Scrap - LO

This is my ever first scrapbooking...no experience never been to a class...I did this last night whilst watching Grey Anatomy....see I'm really bad... It's so ugly to be doing 2 or 3 things at a time!!!... Especially when you need concentration, but I could not resist myself of not starting this LO...as it is I've put on hold since Sunday...then I said....NOPE...I got to start...and Yes I did it... Personally I think I can do much better than this... this is too easy and basic...Oh well... it's the FIRST... I supposed...??? No...

The pictures were taken during lunch hour at Southbank...That's me and my BFF Adriana but we call each other Bella...


  1. Congrats sis for having a new blog dedicated solely for ur crafty hobby. Great layout and cant wait to see more...:)


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